上面提到的这部分基础单词+ GRE核心词汇将保证GRE考生在考试时,阅读中选项无任何单词障碍。这两部分总共八千多个单词听起来可不是个小数目,但实际上考生往往只掌握了其中的三分之一左右,需要大家好好打下一个词汇基础。对于剩下的三分之二的单词,必须制定一个严格的2-3个月的背单词计划和有效的利用词汇记忆法,天天背一些,而不是企图“10天就突破GRE单词”。
glib:流利圆滑的;marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing
1)informal, without thought or sincerity
2)smooth and slippery;speaking or spoken in a smooth manner
3)marked by ease or informality;nonchalant;lacking in depth;superficial
glib <> taciturn, reticent
maladroit:skill=glib:profundity 不灵巧的:技巧=口齿伶俐的:深度
Synonyms: flip, offhand, slick
His glib comment might have been insulting, except that everyone knew that he generally did not mean what he said.
The salesman was so glib that the customers failed to notice the defects in the stereo.
【考法 1】adj.流利圆滑的(常含有不真诚或欺诈的成分),油腔滑调的:marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful
【例】a glib politician 油嘴滑舌的政客
【近】 nonchalant, oily
【反】 taciturn 沉默寡言的;awkward笨拙的
【考法2】adj.缺乏深度的,肤浅的: lacking depth and substance
【例】glib solutions to the knotty problem 对复杂难解问题的肤浅的解决方案
【近】 cursory, shallow, superficial
【反】 abstruse, deep, profound 深奥的,深刻的
ambiguous:模棱两可的, having two contrary meanings, equivocal
1)ill-defined or uncertain;possible to be understood in different ways
2)not clear;uncertain;vague
3)vague;subject to more than one interpretation
Synonyms: cryptic, enigmatic, indefinite, indeterminate
ambiguous <> obvious, straight
The forensics expert ascertained the body’s age based on the degree to which the facial structure had ambiguous.
Her habitual sarcasm rendered her statement ambiguous;no one could tell if she really meant what she said.
The ambiguous law did not make a clear distinction between the new and old land boundary.
有多种理解方式的;不确定的:open to more than one interpretation;doubtful or uncertain
【例】Students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world.学生们为他们在世界中的角色感到迷茫。
Frustrated by ambiguous instructions 因为不明确的指示而受挫
【近】doubtful, equivocal, unclear, uncertain
【反】distinct, pellucid, patent, blatant, explicit, lucid, perspicuous 清楚的,明显的
garrulous:饶舌的, 多嘴的, tiresomely talkative
1)talkative, generally in a rambling or annoying way
2)tending to talk a lot
3)extremely talkative, wordy
4)啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的: given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;tiresomely talkative
5)verbose;talkative;rambling: "We tried to avoid our garrulous neighbor."
Synonyms: garrulity, diffuse, verbose, wordy;talkative, chatty, loquacious, voluble
garrulous <> laconic, straightforward, taciturn;reserved, reticent
1.garrulous traveling companions 多话的旅伴
2.I was hoping to rest during the flight, but unfortunately I was seated next to a garrulous young man.
fussy: careful =garrulous: talkative 吹毛求疵的:仔细的=话多的:健谈的
考法 1 adj.啰嗦的,话多得令人厌烦的:given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;tiresomely talkative
garrulous: talkative
garrulous/loquacious: words=prodigal: money 多话的说说话=浪费的多花钱(正面特征)
garrulous: talkative=fussy: careful 话多的:健谈的=吹毛求疵的:仔细的(褒贬关系)
prodigal: money=garrulous/loquacious: words 浪费的多花钱=多话的多说话(正面特征
(反)garrulity à taciturnity 啰嗦 à 沉默寡言
obviate:v.1.排除,消除 2.避免,使成为不必要
1)to prevent or make unnecessary through anticipation
Our careful preparations for the move obviated the expense of having the movers help us pack.
The river was shallow enough to wade across at many points, ehich obviated the need for a bridge.
Synonyms: avert, hinder, preclude
(v.)to make unnecessary
The invention of cars has obviated the use of horse and carriage.
A cure for the common cold would obviate the need for shelf after shelf of cold remedies.
obviate:unnecessary =reduce:smaller
obviate:unnecessary =emulate:exemplary 排除 不需要的=仿效 模范的
obviate <> necessitate