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2、参考 GRE写作,了解这本书的前三章关于GRE写作考试的介绍和关于issue和argument的写作技巧,熟悉argument的几种逻辑错误掌握其规律和攻击技巧。








1. 列提纲


2. 搜集和总结经典句型以及各类逻辑错误的攻击语言,总结自己的模板。


3. 练习写作


考试当天:好好调整自己的心态,以一个良好的状态满怀信心地去参加考试!祝你成功!满怀信心地去参加考试 吧!

新GRE argument 写作题目要求更加具体,在此提醒广大考生在平时备考新GRE考试写作增强语言功底的同时,还要勤于思考分析。

GRE issue写作优秀实例:法律公正问题


"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."



Laws, body of official rules and regulations, are used to govern a society and control the behaviors of its members. In my observation, it is extremely presumptuous to assert that we have the right to obey just laws and disobey the unjust laws. As a social member, we are incumbent to not violate any laws, at the same time; we might turn to appropriate means to repeal the unfavorable laws.

At the threshold matter, the line between just and unjust is difficult to draw, according to discrepant people's beliefs, interests, experiences. There is no exaggeration to say that just or unjust is an subjective matter somehow, hence, different people might hold sheer dissimilar viewpoints toward one case. Then legislation, the sublime guidance for all the people who lives the society, how to define such an subjective matter? Needless to say, it is beyond mankind's imagination. Take the controversial issue "abortion", into account. Those who hold religious belief might have intensive contradiction with such laws flavored with the sanction of abortion, for the simple reason that lives has come into being from their religious perspective. Meanwhile,those people who deem merely infants possess lives have the justification to substantiate the right to abortion as a just law. As a result, people of different culture backgrounds have conflicts with each other due to the concept of "just" and "unjust".That is to say, we need not go further to bother the definition of just or unjust laws, for any single law can not so circumspect that it satisfies any member’s interest and propensity.

Furthermore, as social members, we have no sound reason to violate the laws, even those unjust law in lights of us. On one hand, laws lie in the core values on which a society depends to thrive. It is to serve to regulate people's behaviors and action,enforced by corresponding penalties, punishment and remedies, absent of which any laws would reveal it is empty and ramshackle one. Then the coherent spirits of one society is under challenges. Former Soviet Union is a extremely vivid examples.Though the law of Soviet Union is acclaimed to guarantee freedom of speech, press, and assembly, in practice the Soviet government continually repressed those freedoms,And the leader of Soviet Union, Stalin, do not receive any penalties or called to account for his action. In my view, granted leaders commit errors or mistakes, they are inevitably obey the country's laws, otherwise the trust and confidence of citizens in that countries would be paralyzed. On the other hand, even toward those unjust laws,we could not have the freedom to rampant violate them. If so, we provide ourselves a reasonable assumption that we could violate any laws, for we could find a host of sound reason to substantiate any single laws. Consequently, what our well-ordered society might relegate is beyond our imagination. Juvenile delinquency might be increasingly manifest due to those poor children are deprived the best opportunities of education; tremendous corporations might experience the declining reputation crisis owing to one company’s fraudulent accounting. Those people, regarding those laws possess underlying unjust aspects for them, disobey crimes and therefore, turmoil and chaos in our society might follow.

When confronting with unjust laws, resorting to rational and legislative alternatives is the sensible choice. As I mention above, ruthless violation toward existing laws is regarded as unfair action. Fortunately, we have some other legal remedies to appeal such laws if there appears much of irrationality. For instance, Constitution has been amended for many times in that with ever-changing situation, a host of regulation or laws do not adapt to modern society. Consequently, we have such opportunities to presents our viewpoint toward some certain unfair laws. Now any democracy countries, say, American, Canada, have such whole and complete constitutional system to amend those laws suffering some unfairness. That is to say, we have no better alternatives than seek such legal organization to repeal or amend such seemly not so friendly laws.

To sum up, modern society is highly orderly, well-present largely due to the boundaries of laws. Whatever those laws are just or unjust in the light of one individual; he/she is incumbent to obey them without any other proviso. Otherwise, our society would bog down the trap we brought to ourselves.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:反全球化问题


"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."




We are now living in a world with far-reaching trend of globalization. There is much heated debate over whether the governments of counties in which their languages on the brim of extinction should intervene to prevent such lesser-known languages becoming extinct. I agree in so far as a country's language should not be forgot and thrown away, for languages and culture are inextricably related. At some point, however, I advocate that the lesser-know languages should give way to more practicaluniversal official language.

To begin with, there is a necessity to give a clear definition of the languages which we are discussing here. The lesser-known languages being lost is due to the lost of their population. They are different from the dialects of daily use in some provinces, which, controversially, need no special protection from the governments from disappeared.Unless this base line is endorsed, in my view, the issue can come to terms.

On the one hand, as the saying goes "where there is a different language, there is aunique culture. Each language is a mirror of the culture of a certain geographical region, for the origin, growth and distinction of each language is accompanied by the beginning, thriving, changing, ebb and flow of a culture. To some patriots, the extinction of a language may equal the diminished sense of dignity and pride. Therefore, maintaining of the variety of languages is important and necessary in the present day. As we all know that the people of continental Europe cling tenaciously to their threatened languages. The French government even assembles many academic authorities to obliterate borrowed words in order to resist the language assimilation and keep the purity of their own language.

What’s more, different culture has its distinctive traditions, rituals, morals, beliefs, which needs their own language to embody their characteristic. The Eskimo, for an instance, has more than twenty words to describe the color white. If one has the basic knowledge of Eskimo, one will not be surprised by this fact that the Eskimo is really a people of ice and snow. If the language disappeared, we may fail to find any proper substitute.

One the other hand, as an expression tool, language serves mainly for the convenience of communication. Lesser-known languages, on the contrary, will inevitably leads to language barriers. In today's high-tech world of satellite communications, global mobility, and especially the Internet, language barriers serve primarily to impede cross-cultural communication, which in turn impedes international exchange. India, famous for its software programs, dominates a great share of the production of this field. A significant element to their success is their official language. Though it is not their native language, it is the universal language and the language of programming. By contrast, most tribes of aborigines who confine themselves to their lesser-known languages suffer from depressed plagues--such as hunger, homelessness, disease, ignorance, poverty, and poor education. Since the drawbacks of language barriers in daily life outweigh the importance of a dying language, and the appeals to nationwide spoken may cause a great deal of time,energy, human resources, the government should handle it rationally and properly.

Many alternative and effective methods can be applied. For example, the government should induct their citizens to master a universal and official language, say as English,to stimulate and enhance the prosperity of the whole nation. Meanwhile, the government should offer sufficient financial support and manpower to make record and study of the losing language as soon as possible. For example, special department aimed at the study and documentation of traditional culture and language should be set up, in which linguists can have sufficient funds and tools to work efficiently. And the mass media like internet, TV and radio programs should put into practice to offer valuable material to those who are really interested in learning the indigenous language. Such methods which call for a relatively small population to study are not passive, undue and costly approaches.

To sum up, as the precious legacy handed down by ancestors, an indigenous and distinct language which can embody the characteristic of a culture is a prominent key to the study and preservation of a culture and many historical events. However, a lesser-known language also leads to language barriers and, as a result, these barriers may breed misunderstanding, distrust discord and even conflict among nations. On balance, the government should devote more financial and manpower resources to provide a better atmosphere for its citizen to master a universal official language along with proper, effective and economical methods of prevention of their own lesser-known language.




