Dear Customer,
When someone in the family experiences hearing loss, he is not the only one to experience frustration
Have you noticed a loved one: Missing parts of conversations? Asking people to repeat themselves? Having special trouble with certain letters or sounds? Turning up the volume on the TV?
If so, you can help them and yourself—by encouraging them to find out about a hearing aid. More than six million Americans enjoy improved hearing and better lives-with hearing aids. And the power source they rely on most is Rayovac.
“Rayovac batteries really do make a difference.” One of our customers said so.
Long-lasting Royovac batteries can help hearing aids perform at their best, so sthe whole family can enjoy the difference better hearing can make.
If you are interested, please contact us by calling 446- 8888.
Yours faithfully,
Report on records management conference
A summary of the Records Management Conference I attended in Detroit on August 10 is included in this report.
Summary of Seessions Attended
The following summarizes each of the sessions I attended
1. Filling Equipment
This session was designed to acquaint the participants with the latest filling equipment. Much of the equipment on display was automatic.
2.Records Retrieval
The purpose of this session was to acquaint the participants with the various factors that need ed to be considered in developing a records retentiuon schedule
1. Records Transfer
In this session, participants leaned about the new developments in transferring records from active status to inactive status.
On the basis of my attending the conference, I am making the following recommendations:
1) We investigate the possibility of purchasing lateral filling equipment
2) We evaluate the validity of our records retention schedule and revise as needed.
Dear Folks,
We are having a wonderful time on Lake Gomey in Maine.
There are so many things to do you just don’t know where to begin. You can sail the catboats all around the lake, and if you don't know how, Captian Billson can teach you. If you like speed, you can use of th out board motorboats, and you will feel as if you are flying
And then there is fishing , tennis, and golf. There are lots of games in the big recreation room, and the young people dance every night.
We expected to paya fortune when we first heard of Lake Gomey, but we find that it is one of the least expensive vacations we have ever spent.
Why don’t you write to Mrs. Brown for the full details? You are sure to get the information you need and to have an ideal holiday there.
Dear Jacques,
Lightweight batteries
I am writing to you because we have been having a bit of trouble with one of our suppliers who makes the lightweight batteries we use to power our vehicles. I am pretty sure you don’t have a local distributor of your products in this country, which I am writing to you direct to see if you can help us out. I did try to call, but you weren’t available
We require 4,800 units and delivery must be completely by 15 January, 20. A full specification of our requirements is given on the attached sheet, together with our technical brochure.
I would appreciate it if you could quote us your best CIF price, giving a full specification of your product and shipping date. Of course our technical department would need nto have some samples of the batteries to test in our laboratories before we would place a firm order.
We usually deal with new suppliers on the basis of payment in our currency by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit.
Assuming the lab tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.
I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks from tomorrow. In the meantime, do get in touch with one of my assistants if you need any more information
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Give my regards to Jeanne and the kids
Fred A. North , Buying Manager
Enclosed: Specification and technical brochure
Dear Sirs,
We have received your letter dated April5 and very much regret the difficulties you are having with the electronic counters supplied to your order No. 865
All our counters are made to be identical in design and performance and it is difficult to understand why some of those sold to your customers should have given trouble. From what you said it would seem that a number of the counters included in the latest batch escaped the examination we normally give to all counters in our inspection deparment, where each counter is individually examined before being passed into store.
We understand your problem, but regret that we cannot accept your suggestion to take back all the stock unsold from the batch about which you complain. Indeed, there should be no need for this since it is unlikely that the number of faulty counters can be very large. Of course we will be glad to replace any counter found to be unsatisfactory, and we are prepared to allow you a special discount of 5% to compensate for your trouble on this particular batch.
We trust you will accept this as being a fair and reasonable solution of this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Wood