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1. 大小写快速切换

托福作文中大小写切换是肯定要用到的,毕竟文章中每个句子开头都必须是大写,还有一些特定情况也需要用到大写,打字时切换大小写的方法其实很简单,那就是掌握shift的正确使用方法,大家可以多练习用小指来按shift键来提升切换速度,注意左右手的小指都要练,保证能够在盲打的情况下准确按到shift键是基本要求。另外,当需要连续输入的大写字母超过3个时,大家也需要用好Caps Lock键,这比起连续按shift键要方便很多。而在句子第一个字母需要大写的时候,在写完前一句打空格的同时考生就需要开始用小指去提前找shift键了。做到这3点,大家打字过程中的大小写切换速度就能得到提升。

2. 熟悉标题符号和数字位置





考题回忆:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has.

Getting know about an individual personality through the type of their friends is not an unconvincing means to a certain extent. People would only friend with those attracted to them, so we can see the preferences or life values of that person from his or her friends, particularly intimate ones.

It is admitted that we all have some friends whose characters are so distinct from us, but if we observe carefully, it is not difficult to find out the friendship with conflicting humanity is bound to fade away gradually. At least this is true for me. We girls are so obsessed with constellation as a reference to judge whether a person is matched with us or not. I was born in April, and according to the illustration of constellation books, I was born with failure of getting along well with someone born in November. It is explained that they are over aggressive and like to control everything following their thought of train, which is virtually not my likes. I am described as generous, thoughtful, considerate and innocent. Even though there is no scientific evidence to prove this popular belief, it makes sense that people with so distinct characters will not build up a solid social connection.

Moreover, the commonest example for supporting this statement is how a man choose his partner, which is believed to have an underlying pattern showing the man's marital values, even they might have no consciousness themselves. A man constantly chasing after girls with sexy body shape and pretty appearance is regarded as a shallow one who simply weighs the extricate traits more than the inner beauty. In contrast, attracted to a plain-looking but wise and kind lady, the man will be honored as a reliable quality. Thus, we can judge a man from what his wife is like.

Additionally, analyzing from a wider angle, people with similar concerns tend to be more closely related to each other. On a higher level, this fact is also true with countries. Back to the Cold War, countries with similar social system fell into two major categories: the capitalist west led by US and the socialist east led by USSR. By looking at a country’s alliances, people could easily know what kind of country it was. On a lower level, people with similar social status or interests are more inclined to hang out together because their ways of life are subjected to similar factors (such as money and time) they share: housewives may become acquainted with housewives in the supermarkets; millionaires knows their kindred spirits in a luxurious golf club.

To sum up, there exists reasonable judgment about a person's character by observing their friend type. There is an old saying in Chinese, animals gather by family, human are divided by groups.

托福写作解析:Arts or environment

Topic:Arts or environment?

A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


选择哪一个都可以。只要列举出两三个sound reasons。并且要在作文中提及另外一个选择的好处,以显示“考虑周全”。


企业花钱,当然要考虑input-output ratio。投入哪一个活动中,公众效应更加明显?







Frankly speaking, both arts and environment are important to human being. However, if I were the CEO of a company, I would rather give the money to protect the environment than to support the arts. Because environment protection is quite urgent and matters the future of our globe, while arts is a continuous process to improve the quality of life.

First of all, environment protection is very urgent. Global warming is becoming more and more serious. Many spices are dying, the ice in South Pole is melting, and many rivers are being contaminated. Now it is time for us to do something to save our earth and our own future.

Secondly, environment protection is very important for all, including human being, plants, animals and the Earth. When I was a little boy, I often played in the river that is located beside my village. The water was so clean that we could just drink it directly. There were also many kinds of fishes in the river. It was such a beautiful place that I often played for a whole day. Now things are totally different, the water became brown in color due to pollution from factories, very few fishes can live there. Those small children can never enjoy the fun that I once did.

Thirdly, the art is a continuous process to improve the quality of life, which is not as urgent as environment protection. In addition, there are many ways by which funds can be raised for arts, such as exhibitions and auctions of artistic works. Environment protection needs money more urgently than arts do.

Although both arts and the environment are important, I prefer to give the money to support environment protection, due to the three reasons mentioned above.


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