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托福写作中对于因为词汇拼写错误而引发的扣分情况屡见不鲜,而这种扣分其实是完全可以通过背熟单词来进行避免的。下面小编就和大家分享汇总托福写作14个大小写易错细节 ,来欣赏一下吧。

汇总托福写作14个大小写易错细节 全面了解避免大意扣分

1.在托福写作的直接引语中,句首字母要大写。例如:“Then,”I said,“You havebeen making a mistake,and the letter is not in the apartment。”“那么,”我说,“你准弄错了,这封信并不在那栋房子里。”


3.一些大型节日名称的第一个实词的第一字母都要大写。如:Children's Day儿童节,National Day国庆节, Teachers' Day教师节。

4.由普通名词构成的专有名词词组,除其中的冠词、较短的介词和连词外,每个词的第一字母都要大写。例如:the Great Wall长城,the United States美国。

5.大型会议、文件、条约名称的每个实词(虚词:副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词和拟声词则不用大写)的第一个字母都要大写。书名、报刊名应大写首字母,文章标题中的每一个实词的第一个字母要大写。如:China Daily《中国日报》,New York Times《纽约时报》,Their Class《他们的班级》(文章标题),the Warsaw Treaty《华沙条约》,实例:English Coaching Paper《英语辅导报》。


7. 表示称呼语或职务的词首字母要大写。实例:Mr Green格林先生, Dr Lee李博士

8.大多数的缩略词要大写。实例:CCTV(中国中央电视台), ID(身份证), CD(光盘)

10.句子开头的第一个字母要大写。“I(我)”在句中任何位置都要大写。例如:What's her name?Mary and I are teachers。


12.一些亲属关系(如mother,sister,mum,dad等)用作称呼语时第一个字母要大写。例如:Thank you,Granny。谢谢你,姥姥。

13.人名前的称呼或头衔第一个字母应大写。例如:Mr Smith,Dr Wang,Miss Mary。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: primary schools should spend more time on teaching young students (5-11years old) technology (like computer) than teaching music and art.


The question of “ what is the most important subject or skill the elementary schools should teach? ” has never failed to attract attention from educators, school administrators and even politicians especially when it comes to subjects like technology, or music and art. Some argue that school should spend more time teaching technology than music and art. Personally, I am not in favor of this position based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, with the advent of internet and state-of-art gadgets like laptop, tablets, being able to use computers skillfully is being considered as a valuable quality. However, early exposure to computers and other kinds of technological products might bring lots of risks and problems to kids’ future development. Recently research by National Society of Psychiatrists shows that exposure to computers at an early age leads to addiction to computers when they grow older and obviously spending too much time in front of the computer can pose a threat to kids’ health, to be more specific, it leads to neck problems, nearsightedness, backache and even childhood obesity. Moreover, instead of getting addicted to playing on-line games and watching meaningless videos, kids should have spent more time focusing on their academic study, or even learning how to appreciate artwork or music. Indeed, spending more time learning art and music not only benefits the kids, but also it is conducive the community as whole.

First off, learning art and music at an early age helps to develop creativity and make the kids more imaginative. Actually, lots of scientific research in the psychological field shows that early exposure to art and music not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride; kids who spend more time in learning art and music end up having higher analytical thinking and reasoning skills than kids who don’t.

Additionally, spending more time teaching kids music and art can can benefit the whole community. Music and art are a very important part of people’s lives. They are necessary for people to express their emotions, like happiness, sorrow, and even anger regardless of cultural background, ethnicity, age and even gentle. It is very urgent to spend more time teaching kids knowledge about art and music since they bring change, facilitate innovation and help to unite the community. They are the reminder of the past and maker of tomorrow, they also help to convey ideas and different perspectives. More importantly, art and music have great cultural significance, by learning art and music kids will have a strong sense of cultural identity and sense of belonging to community, eventually the traditional values and culture can be passed down to the younger generation.

To conclude, it is more advisable to spend more time teaching kids art and music than technology since not only can art and music benefit the individual kid but also it benefits the community as a whole.


Agree or disagree: students do reading by their own is as important as or more important than the reading teachers assigned.


Reading is a process of procuring knowledge and the ways of reading vary for students between reading on their own and reading as told by their teachers. As for me, it will be more beneficial to read books in line with students’ wishes.

For one thing, students should read what they are curious about and can find interests in, which can find wide application among college students in particular. In order to hone one’s talents and crafts with specific purpose, college students will find the more practical books to read to strengthen their competence for their future competing with other rivals in the job market. Take Steve Jobs as an example. After attending the college just for a few months, he couldn’t figure out how the college life would help him in the future except for imposing his working family enormous financial pressure.Then, he decided to drop out so he could stop taking the required classes and reading the assigned reading materials that did not interest him and began dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. Finally, the last several months for his college life turned out to be priceless later on since he took a calligraphy class and read the relative books, the knowledge of which had been applied to produce the first computer with beautiful typography. Evidently, part of Steve Job’s accomplishments can prove how essential for students to read by following their own curiosity and intuition.

For another thing, students can be more absorbed in the books that they like. To be more specific, compared with the assigned papers or articles, students’ incentive can be more stimulated by reading what they like. For instance, the prevailing notion of children’s education is that they should develop their own interests by reading what can intrigue their inquisitiveness or stimulate their imagination. Therefore, there is a voice coming out today that more freedom needs to be given to primary school students so that they can read some more interesting books like the science-fiction novels or tales and etc. Besides, too much focus on cultivating students’ academic abilities and the ignorance of developing their overall qualities will lead to the development of elites with less morality. Obviously, the benefits of reading books by students themselves and the detriment of just reading as assigned by teachers can tell us how important to give students’ rights to choose what they read.

Admittedly, reading what teachers assigned can be of also importance. In other words, teachers will be familiar with which area students should be improved to achieve better academic performance. For instance, teachers will require students to engage in extensive reading to increase students’ reading ability. However, it can not be the reason to regard reading as students wish as inferior because students can better improve their reading ability by being absorbed in what they like most.

To conclude, students should enjoy the rights to decide what they read.



