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重要的是形成惯性思维,gre考试写作时间真的是太紧张了,要想现场思考每句话的调理性真的是太难了,反正我没做到,写得时候手指不停的运转,远远超过了大脑运转的速度,只有有充分思维准备的人,才能驾轻就熟,运用自如。题目中提到politics,大脑中就应当出现Franklin Roosevelt, Lincoln, Gerhard Schroeder, Gandhi……; 提到ART,就该想到Rembrandt, Van G.h, Starry night, night watch, Hemmingway, the old man and the sea……; 提到Scandal,就该想到Nixon,Watergate,bill Clinton,sex sandal,Enron……总之,熟练是非常非常重要的!


如果不勤修改自己的新GRE写作,就不知道自己原来的漏洞和不足在哪,闷头写,只能导致lose the stake! 当认真学习一段时间写作之后,再回头改第一篇习作,肯定会发现自己很多毛病,这说明:我们在进步!




多写不如多改,多改不如多想,当然这种想不是fantasy and daydream.二是针对写作思路和自我总结,当我意识到这点时,已经太晚了!






没有哪个考官会喜欢几百号人都说Van G..h, Einstein, Curie


The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines.


Character of a society, so complicated as it is, has always been a heated topic among social science scientists, the study of which involves people, customs, environment and various other aspects, physically and psychologically. Concerning this, the author suggests that to understand the feature and values of a society, it is best to examine the character of the men and women that the society worships, which, in my eye, gets the point in some sense despite that it ignores other measures effective in studying a society. To better present my viewpoint let me illustrate it in details.

To begin with, admittedly, since character of heroes or heroines, whether factual or imaginary, reflect, at least from a specific visual angle, mainstream values and moralities that a society and its member worship, the author's assertion gets the point in this sense. Rev. Martin Luther King, leader of the crusade fighting for equal right and against racial discrimination and segregations, is admired by the majority of American people, even scores of years after he delivered the renowned speech--"I have a dream"--that inspired and encouraged thousands of black people to strive for equal rights. This precisely mirrors one thing that all Americans ardently pursue and advocate: democracy--that is, all men are created as equal, regardless of race,nationality, and origin. Without efforts of Martin Luther King, blacks may still be separated to the back of buses and inflict what forcefully impose on them. Similarly, in the fight against gender bias, two heroines, Susan Stanton and Elizabeth B. Thorn,have been forever remembered and memorized for their contribution in paving the way for women rights, which, again, reflects that the American society is one that worships equal rights for women and men.

While the foregoing example involves heroes and heroines in social science, people,devoted themselves to natural science and humanity areas, that are admired by general populace can also aptly illustrate the credibility of the author's assertion. A society whose members worship Galileo, one who bravely and perseveringly overthrew Ptolemy and Aristotle altogether with evidence collected by turning his own-made telescope to the universe, is very likely to be one emphasizing truth and righteousness, and less likely to compromise when confront power and authority; similarly, a society whose member admire Ludwig van Beethoven, the German musician whose status is unparalleled and who composed the most famous Pathetique and Moonlight, masterpieces that have strike a cord with numerous audience, is probably one stressing artistic appreciation and the pursuit of what is eternal and universal--beauty. In short, heroes and heroines a society respect may be a mirror for the mainstream ideology and practices.

Nevertheless, by broadening this assertion to the extent that heroes and heroines are the best source of studying the character of a society, the author draws too hastily a conclusion, with other ways such as studying history, politics, legal systems, education, etc, also available. As we all know, the US is most characterized by its diversity of nationality, including Indians as native citizens, Spanish-Americans, Latin-Americans, Black-Americans, and Asians. However, to get a full understanding of this phenomenon, one can only turn to the American history, studying of which affords the answer that the War of Independence, the westward movement as well as the gold rush all contribute to this hodge-podge of nationality. Furthermore, studying of school curriculums of a society also tells us something about the contemporary and probably future characters of a society, due to the indisputable fact that children are the future and hope of a society. For example, that curriculums of American elementary and middle school are filled with courses nurturing creative thinking as well as innovative ideas and reject courses requiring pure memorization aptly show the significance of creation and innovation in American Society.

In summary, from all the discussions above, we can safely draw the conclusion that the author is fundamentally right in pointing out one way to learn the character of society. However, this assertion is somewhat one-sided in ignoring other methods, say, history and education.

GRE写作总觉得时间紧 练习从这几点做起

要么面对一道很尬聊的题无从下手,比如像面对第146原题“无聊虽然伴随着自我满足,但是它会导致尴尬”, 稍微有些思路的时候一晃眼七八分钟已经过去。





提速之前,点题是3分上下的分水岭。 有些题目设计得很微妙狡猾,如果想当然地发挥没有缜密地钻透彻题目真正的用意,那么往往会导致如下现象:考完试自我感觉极为良好,但是分数一出来却很低。


The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times.





现今社会虽然看上去人性化了很多,但是要设计一个爆款游戏,我们还是要着手于如何满足这个没怎么变的嗜血欲, 于是便诞生了射击游戏“吃鸡”。



这就意味着我们是来穿着运动服跑鞋冲刺的,而非穿着礼服来品酒的,所以要表达“幸灾乐祸”, 你不必非要用8秒想出来8秒钟拼错schadenfreude,而最好用3秒钟写出来“laugh at others' bad luck”。

第二,不必纠结事例的真假,完全可以现编,因为官方OG规定hypothetical example是和real example可以一样用的。

这也很人性化,毕竟有些考题难度较大,像第36原题“It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves.”,我们如果难以想到Dr.dre通过认同匪帮说唱的社会群体来定义自己的音乐风格这样的真人真事,完全可以现编一个“小红通过认同瑜伽群体来定义内心深处的静静”。

第三,不必纠结政治性对错,依然是OG的规矩“there is no right or wrong”。所以面对美国考官可以尽情批判特朗普付给艳星封口费,完全不用顾虑考官的什么爱国主义偏见而导致分数低。




毕竟,如果你v+q 330,但是写作3分,是很尴尬的。再考一次,哪怕是考试时间都要占去4个小时。而上面提到的60来道GRE写作题,每道题花5分钟构思一下思路,总共也就5个多小时。而这些思路也可以为今后美国寂寞的冷板凳学术生活准备好足够的聊天素材。





比如,观点是:无聊是向伟大过渡的桥梁。如果你的理由可以细密到这个地步:“很多伟大的突破往往来自于人们无聊时候的遐想,因为现有的方法已经无法满足他们的好奇心,他们不堪忍受这份无聊,所以才去另辟蹊径,创造伟大。”那么这里的example就非常好编了,我们只需按照这个reason来套用“一个音乐家A,他厌倦了古典乐,所以才发明了爵士乐 ”,直接搞定example。

再次强调,如果用一个词来概括,Issue考得就是why或者why not,所以reason,作为文章的核心部分,必须有力且细密。



Claim: While boredom is often expressed with a sense of self-satisfaction, it should really be a source of embarrassment.

Reason: Boredom arises from a lack of imagination and self-motivation.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.

既然写作要求只让我们讨论对两者同意与否,而没让我们讨论二者之间的关系,那我们直接把claim and reason 当成fact 1 and fact 2 ,不要自取其恼,纠结于“reason”能不能解释“claim”。

fact 1 :虽然伴随着自我满足,但是无聊导致尴尬。

fact 2:无聊来自想象力和激情的缺失。


在考场上建议先把文章的核心骨架搭好,即正反方各自的position-reason-example, 如有时间剩余,再回头长肉,即扩充细节。因为我们已经把最重要的骨架搭好了,哪怕是血肉细节不那么丰满,我们也把最重要的逻辑成分写清楚了。


To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.


正:应该。城市代表着一个具体的功能,NYC-finance, 三番-technology

正:应该。城市之间的交互作用体现了社会的动态。A tech company in San Fransisco goes to NYC to go public.

每一段的骨架其实都可以凝缩成三句话来说,比如正方第二个观点, 我们可以先快速地把它的骨架搭好:

Another important societal characteristics revealed by studying cities is the dynamics between different functions.The reason is that no city can function alone and only through the angle of the interdependent relationship with other cities can we fully understand how cities would compete or complement each other. For example, a tech company from Shenzhen would go to Hong Kong for IPO.


Another important societal characteristics revealed by studying cities is the dynamics between different functions.The reason is that no city can function alone and only through the angle of the interdependent relationship with other cities can we fully understand how cities would compete or complement each other. Also from this angle, we can trace the root cause of the evolution of certain parts of society and predict whether they would fade in the future. For example, a tech company from Shenzhen would go to Hong Kong for IPO…..



