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因此,建议各位考生在备考时不要忘记养成习惯,多阅读英文原版的书籍或期刊,多积累地道的语句以便考试适用。相同道理下,各位考生在备考时也不用一定勉强自己背诵那些7-8个字母或以上组成的单词,反倒可以多准备些“简单但不失得体”的词汇,如:weaken, taste, enjoy, ease等大家耳熟能详的简易词汇,分别可以适用于weaken one’s eyesight(视力下降),taste the foreign culture(品尝外国文化),enjoy a moderate rise(…缓慢上升)以及ease one’s burden(减轻压力)等适用频率较高的搭配上,如此一来效果更佳!


准备新托福独立写作除了注重语句词汇方面的扎实,还更应该把握好逻辑思维的递进。中国考生在写英文作文时大多是进行“翻译”,而并非是“写作”。在这种情况下,不可避免的就出现了许多中式化语言,更会融入不该出现的中式化的思维逻辑,看似十分的“跳跃,随性”但并不适合新托福写作要求的“层次,递进”。多注重自己“美式思维”的训练,尽可能地在写作时向“Native Speaker”的思维靠近。只有抓紧训练好自己的逻辑思维能力,才能更好地在新托福写作中取得25分以上的高分。而在训练过程中,大家注意“形连”和“意连”两者相结合。所谓的“形连”即全文段与段之间体现层次逻辑的连接词的合理运用;“意连”则更侧重全文思路内容及逻辑上的真正连贯,不可“行不散却神散”。新托福独立写作也考察大家对细节的把握,列出观点后如何开展更多的论证,因此各位考生在备考时一定要注重细节论证,完全可以结合进生活化的经验和例子作为论证的好帮手,而无须将每个论点过于形式化,理论化,甚至空洞化。


一些人 like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to 尝试新事物 and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to 支撑你的选择.

The choice between continuing to do only those things in which one is proficient and striking out into new, unfamiliar territory is difficult. There is comfort in remaining within familiar parameters, but growth happens only when we exceed those boundaries. Faced with the choice between only doing things that I know I do well and taking risks, I prefer taking risks for several reasons.

First, taking risks expands my range of knowledge and affords me the wisdom that comes through comparison. For instance, although I was born and raised in the United States until I was twenty years old, I have had the opportunity to live in three different countries since that time: Germany, China, and Great Britain. Had I decided to remain in the United States without taking the risk and challenge of adapting to different cultures and languages, my life would have been easier. However, the experience of living in varied countries with differing social morals and worldviews has enhanced my knowledge through comparison. Without living in other countries, I would not have the knowledge to critically examine my American upbringing, holding onto some values while discarding others. Furthermore, taking the risk of living in other countries has allowed me to gain a sense of empathy and understanding for cultures vastly different than my own.

Another reason that I prefer taking risks is that risks force me to grow. It is true that simply doing tasks that I do well would be a safe, prudent way to live life. However, taking risks compels me to expand my abilities. For example, although I was not a vocal player, my basketball coach asked me to be team captain for my final season in high school. I could have declined the offer, and remained in the background, but I chose to take the risk to lead the team. Through this experience, I learned valuable lessons in leadership, motivation, and discipline. More importantly, leading the team brought me closer to each individual player, many of whom I still count as my friends. Had I not accepted my coach’s call to captain the basketball team that season, I would have never learned these valuable lessons and developed these deeper friendships.

Taking risks has also taught me resilience in the face of failure. When I was entering graduate school, I needed money to finance my education. Consequently, I applied for several scholarships. Unfortunately, I was denied for almost all of them. However, by sticking my neck out, and applying for scholarship even when I was a long-shot candidate, I learned that scholarship committees were not rejecting me, but my application. This understanding that rejection of my scholarship applications was not a personal event enabled me to continue to apply to other scholarships without losing faith that eventually I would be successful. And, eventually, I was.

In conclusion, I prefer taking risks because doing so allows me to gain knowledge through comparison, forces me to grow, and has taught me to be diligent even if I fail at first. Taking risks is part of living. Without risks we would not be living.


Here we give you the top 5 reasons to make it to Miami.



The beach tops the list. Miami is a tropical city, making the beach an ideal destination. Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park on Key Biscayne is a favorite spot that ranks among the top beaches in the entire United States.



It’s shop til you drop in Miami. Collins Avenue has a range of stores to satisfy all your shopping needs. Lincoln Road on South Beach has a farmers market held here on Sundays. Design District, in particular, comes alive after 5pm. In Bal Harbour, shop at the super brand stores which are located in the middle of a tropical garden.


Party all-night

It is recognized as a favorite destination of celebrities. The bars on Ocean Drive are popular, and there they serve mojitos in king-sized glasses. If you fancy somewhere more exclusive, head to the roof of the Gansevoort, French Tuesdays and the Delano.


Animal life

You’re in for zoo treats in Miami. The Wings of Asia Aviary is a haven for bird lovers. Jungle Island, on one hand, is a theme park where you meet parrots and other exotic birds, plus crocodiles and other nature creatures.


The Florida Keys

The Florida Keys allows you to see coral islands from the scenic route that all tourists arriving in Miami take – amazing! It cuts across 40 bridges from Key Largo to the legendary Key West.

Lastly, don’t forget to take in most beautiful sunset views when in Miami.


tropical city:热带城市

ideal destination:理想的目的地

ranks among the top beaches in the entire United States:在整个美国排名靠前的海滩

It’s shop til you drop :购物购到手软

has a range of stores to satisfy all your shopping needs:有很多商店来满足您的购物需求

farmers market:农贸市场

the super brand stores:超级品牌商店

tropical garden:热带花园

a favorite destination of celebrities:一个名人最喜欢的目的地

serve mojitos in king-sized glasses:用超级大杯提供莫吉托

You’re in for zoo treats:你喜欢动物园带来的款待。

is a haven for bird lovers:是鸟类爱好者的天堂

theme park:主题公园

parrots and other exotic birds:鹦鹉和其他奇特的鸟类

crocodiles and other nature creatures:鳄鱼和其他自然生物

The Florida Keys:弗罗里达岛礁

see coral islands from the scenic route:从风景优美的路线观看珊瑚群岛

It cuts across 40 bridges from Key Largo to the legendary Key West.


most beautiful sunset views:最美丽的日落


1.While you probably think about planting trees for Arbor Day, you may not know just how much of an impact tree planting can have on your lawn and energy consumption as well as the environment.

Trees can provide shade for your home and lawn as well as a barrier against cold winter winds. They also filter water and air to reduce soil erosion and greenhouse gases. And did you know that trees have also been shown to reduce stress? Many urban residents find themselves calmer and happier when they are around trees.


Energy-saving benefits of planting trees

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a young, healthy tree can provide a net cooling effect equivalent to ten room-sized air conditioners operating for 20 hours a day! While it will take a few years for a newly planted sapling to reach the point where it can cast shade on your home, it’s a relatively low-cost investment, and you’ll find it’s worth the wait.

Dr. E. Greg McPherson of the Center for Urban Forest Research says that a new tree planted on the western side of your home will reduce your energy bill by about three percent in five years and by close to 12 percent in 15 years. Plus, shade isn’t the only way planting trees can reduce your family’s energy consumption. Trees located on the north and northwest sides of your home can block frigid winter winds and lower your heating bill.


Benefit of trees on the environment

While planting trees can certainly have a positive impact on your energy bill, sustainable gardening can also positively impact the environment. Trees absorb greenhouse gases like nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. They also convert carbon dioxide to oxygen through photosynthesis. Wondering how that relates to you? Just one tree can clean about 330 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year, according to the U.S. Forest Service, which provides enough oxygen for a family of four!

One of the reasons planting new trees is seen as sustainable gardening is because they act as air and water filters. In a study conducted by the USDA, it was found that trees were able to remove more than 1,800 metric tons of air pollution from New York City. The roots filter groundwater and control run off and erosion by holding soil in place. They also cool down the air, and not just with shade. The transpiration process they go through releases moisture into the air, producing a cooling effect.


Maintaining your trees and lawn

Trees are beneficial to the aesthetics of your lawn, your home’s energy bill, and your family’s overall health. For all these reasons, it’s important to properly maintain your trees and the soil they grow in. You don’t want to over-shape new trees or prune too much when you first plant them, but you will have a much healthier tree if you trim back dead branches over the years. There are several options when it comes to outdoor power equipment to maintain the trees you’ve planted. Chainsaws and pole saws are great choices for cutting down large limbs. They also work well for pruning, whether you need to allow for new growth or prevent branches from hitting obstacles like houses or power lines. There are even battery-operated, cordless saws available to reduce your carbon footprint even further.

The shade from the trees you’ve planted will help improve water conservation, so you’ll maintain a lush and green lawn with very little maintenance. However, you should still mow high and often, to avoid roots and promote new grass growth, being especially careful around the base of your trees. You may even want to spread mulch and compost to the drip line and maintain the edge with a string trimmer.


how much of an impact tree planting can have on your lawn and energy consumption:


provide shade for :提供阴凉

a barrier against cold winter winds:对寒冷的冬天风来说就是个屏障

also filter water and air to reduce soil erosion and greenhouse gases:同时过滤水和空气减少土壤侵蚀和温室气体

urban residents find themselves calmer and happier when they are around trees.


healthy tree can provide a net cooling effect :


low-cost investment:


it’s worth the wait. 等待是值得的

Center for Urban Forest Research :城市森林研究中心

reduce your energy bill :减少你的能源账单

can reduce your family’s energy consumption:可以减少你的家庭的能源消耗

block frigid winter winds:阻挡寒冷的冬季风

lower your heating bill. 降低你的取暖费用。

While planting trees can certainly have a positive impact on your energy bill, sustainable gardening can also positively impact the environment. Trees absorb greenhouse gases like nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. They also convert carbon dioxide to oxygen through photosynthesis.

虽然植树肯定对你的能源账单有正向的影响, 响可持续园艺也可以积极影响环境。树木吸收温室气体如二氧化氮、二氧化硫、臭氧、二氧化碳和一氧化碳。他们还通过光合作用将二氧化碳转化为氧气。

act as air and water filters:作为空气和水过滤器

The roots filter groundwater and control run off and erosion by holding soil in place.


cool down the air: 冷却空气

The transpiration process they go through releases moisture into the air, producing a cooling effect.


are beneficial to the aesthetics of: 美学是有益的

to properly maintain your trees and the soil they grow in:妥善维护你的树木和它们成长的土壤

maintain a lush and green lawn with very little maintenance:用很少的成本维持一个郁郁葱葱的绿色草坪

improve water conservation:有助于节约用水




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Though modern agricultural practices damage the 环境, feeding the world’s growing population is 更重要 than protecting against environmental damage.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: 政府 should focus more on preservation of environment rather than economic development.



