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英文写作和中文写作在行文习惯和逻辑上都有很大的差别,今天小编给大家带来了托福写作:结构性词汇介绍 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



对于综合写作来说,各位老师通常为同学们提供的模板当中很多都是结构性词汇,最典型的就是序数词和类似序数词作用的一些表达。简单的有first,second,third,高级一些的有first of all,moreover,in addition等等。这些是用来分隔和标明综合写作的三段主体段,方便读者(即阅卷人)理解和寻找要点。另外很重要的一种结构性词汇就是“阅读文章提到”“听力部分认为”等等这类说明观点持有者身份的部分。有了这些我们才能明确下面我们所体现的内容到底是哪一份材料的观点,从而避免歧义。


1. That is to say, ...

2. To be more specific, ...

3. In other words, ...

他们的意思也很简单,分别是“那就是说”“更具体地说”“换句话说”。而引入论据的方式就更简单了,for example/take sth.as an example等等都很常见。


托福写作:如何避免写出假的thesis statement?

独立写作中最重要一句话就是thesis statement,也就是你的观点(opinion)。写在开头段的最后。那么如何判断你的写出的thesis statement是符合美国人要求的呢?那么,你就要问自己以下5个问题。




4.它是否表达了一个main idea?


来看一下例子:我的观点是California was the best trip ever. 那么这句话是否是个合格的thesis statement呢?通过问自己这5个问题我们就可以判断出来。






是的。我会用三个分论点来支持我的观点。1)learning how to surf at Malibu; 2) going sightseeing; 3) meeting Vincent.

4.它是否表达了一个main idea?

是的。我只有一个main idea:having a fantastic time in California.



thesis statement永远不可以是一个问句。

所以,基于这五个问题的分析,我们可以确定California was the best trip ever.这句话是一个合格的thesis statement。

在了解了什么是thesis statement的基础上,来看一下什么是假的thesis statement。

a statement of fact 事实的陈述

a.Alaska is a big state.


b.Californian red wine is the best in the world.

这句话可以作为thesis statement因为是完整的一句话,能够被议论,被支持,表达了一个主要观点,并且不是疑问句。

a question

a. Is global warming a problem?

这里又要强调一遍thesis statement永远不可以是一个问句。

b. Global warming threatens the future of the planet.

这句话可以作为thesis statement因为是完整的一句话,能够被议论,被支持,表达了一个主要观点,并且不是疑问句。

a sentence fragment

a. Paris: the most beautiful cityin Europe.


b. Without a doubt, the TOEFL iBTis a true measure of your potential.

这句话可以作为thesis statement因为是完整的一句话,能够被议论,被支持,表达了一个主要观点,并且不是疑问句。

simple announce the topic

a. In this essay, I will talkabout the problem of teenagers drinking and driving in my country, Argentina.


b. Personally, I think thatteenagers must finish high school before they can get a driver’s license.

这句话可以作为thesis statement因为是完整的一句话,能够被议论,被支持,表达了一个主要观点,并且不是疑问句。

丨练习:判断真假thesis statement

everyone should learn a foreign language.

How difficult is it to get a perfect score on the TOEFL iBT?

The CEO told us that the company had no other choice but to lay off five thousand employees.

In this essay, I’m going totalk about dogs and cats, and other domestic animals.

Iwona is ecstatic. Her grades are so good she got into Harvard and Yale. Now she must choose which one she will attend.

Last night, I went to an Italian restaurant and had lasagna.

The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

There are many English language proficiency tests; however, TOEFL is the test you must take if you are serious about studying at an English-speaking college or university.

Drinking a bottle of red wine every day will make you smarter.

Why is the price of gasoline going up?




“So now Uber does not have a CTO, COO, CFO, and CEO on the edge of out, this is the closest Uber ever is to a self driving company.






英语中说“like a cat on hot bricks”


英语中说“as stupid as a goose”


英语中说“as poor as a church mouse”






我们可以说A to B is what Cis to D




Appropriate praise to a child is what the sun is to a flower.







Education to modern society is what water is to fish.




我们可以说 Having meals at home ensures our safety.

Healthy food to us is what the sun is to a flower.



Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

While the past few centuries have witnessed increasingly better quality of human life, human activity is doing more and more harm to the Earth. Natural resources are being depleted and pollution is being created as a result of development of technology. Natural areas are being damaged as a result of urban expansion to populate more people.

First, we harm the Earth by using more and more natural resources. If we fell too many trees at one time to build

houses and make paper, or if we cut down trees before they grow to maturity, they can hardly grow back in time. As worrisome as overcutting of trees is overfishing. With improved technology and greater drive for money, fish of all kinds are being over hunted, reducing the biomass of some fish to the verge of extinction. Whaling seems a most irksome issue. While most countries argue against it, some countries go whaling to extremes. We often take it for granted that we have unlimited natural resources and use them in a wasteful manner, bringing about great losses.

Second, we damage the Earth by producing pollution in all forms. Factories pollute water and the air. Vehicles pollute the air. Nuclear-related and electronic products are playing an increasingly big role in polluting the air, especially when we dispose of related waste carelessly. We take it for granted that Nature can help clean everything, but it can not.

Third, expanding towns and cities are taking up more and more land. As populations flood to cities, new houses and stores have to be built to accommodate their needs. Land that was good for farming has now become factories and apartment buildings. We seem to take it for granted that we have unlimited land, but we do not.

In summary, human activity seems to be going at the expense of the Earth in various ways. However, our survival depends on the Earth, including natural areas and natural resources, so we have to venerate the Earth.



While the past few centuries have witnessed increasingly better quality of human life, human activity is doing more and more harm to the Earth. Natural resources are being depleted and pollution is being created as a result of development of technology. Natural areas are being damaged as a result of urban expansion to populate more people.

While the past few centuries have witnessed increasingly better quality of human life, (while引导词,表对比关系;主语是the past few centuries,要学会物化主语;这句话可以直接背下来套用在科技+政府+社会等话题开头段,“尽管过去的几个世纪见证了人们生活水平的不断提高)human activity is doing more and more harm to the Earth.

2. Natural resources are being depleted(耗尽) and pollution is being created as a result of(由于=as a consequence of= due to=owing to) development of technology.

3. Natural areas are being damaged as a result of urban expansion(城市扩张) to populate more people.

First, we harm the Earth by using more and more natural resources. If we fell too many trees at one time to build houses and make paper, or if we cut down trees before they grow to maturity, they can hardly grow back in time. As worrisome as overcutting of trees is overfishing. With improved technology and greater drive for money, fish of all kinds are being over hunted, reducing the biomass of some fish to the verge of extinction. Whaling seems a most irksome issue. While most countries argue against it, some countries go whaling to extremes. We often take it for granted that we have unlimited natural resources and use them in a wasteful manner, bringing about great losses.

1. First, we harm the Earth by using more and more natural resources.


2. If we fell(砍伐树木,fell trees=cut down trees) too many trees at one time to build houses and make paper, or if we cut down trees(砍伐树木)before they grow to maturity(n.成熟), they can hardly grow back in time(及时).

自然资源1 - 破坏森林资源

3. As worrisome as overcutting of trees is overfishing. (as+adj+as A is B“和A一样adj的是B)


4. With improved technology and greater drive(动机=motive=motivation)for money, fish of all kinds are being over hunted(过度捕猎), reducing thebiomass(生物量) of some fish to the verge of extinction.(reduce the biomass of sth to the verge of extinction将...的数量减少到灭绝边缘)

5. Whaling(捕鲸) seems a most irksome(令人厌烦的=troublesome=worrisome) issue.

6. While(引导词“尽管”,表对比关系) most countries argue against it, some countries go whaling to extremes(go sth to extremes 做某事过火).

自然资源2 - 过度捕捞

7. We often take it for granted(take sth for granted把某事认为是理所当然的) that we have unlimited natural resources and use them in a wasteful manner,bringing about(带来) great losses.


Second, we damage the Earth by producing pollution in all forms. Factories pollute water and the air. Vehicles pollute the air. Nuclear-related and electronic products are playing an increasingly big role in polluting the air, especially when we dispose of related waste carelessly. We take it for granted that Nature can help clean everything, but it can not.

1. Second, we damage the Earth by producing pollution in all forms.


2. Factories pollute water and the air.

污染形式1 - 工厂

3. Vehicles pollute the air.

污染形式2 - 汽车

4. Nuclear-related and electronic products are playing an increasingly big role in(在...中扮演越来越重要的角色) polluting the air, especially when wedispose of(处理) related waste carelessly.


5. We take it for granted that Nature can help clean everything, but it can not.


Third, expanding towns and cities are taking up more and more land. As populations flood to cities, new houses and stores have to be built to accommodate their needs. Land that was good for farming has now become factories and apartment buildings. We seem to take it for granted that we have unlimited land, but we do not.

1. Third, expanding towns and cities(doing做主语,扩大城镇) are taking up(占据) more and more land.


2. As populations flood to(涌入) cities, new houses and stores have to be built to accommodate their needs(迎合他们的需求).

解释句1: 人口增加-->建造更多住房和商店

3. Land that was good for farming has now become factories and apartment buildings.


4. We seem to take it for granted that we have unlimited land, but we do not.


In summary, human activity seems to be going at the expense of the Earth in various ways. However, our survival depends on the Earth, including natural areas and natural resources, so we have to venerate the Earth.

1. In summary, human activity seems to be going at the expense of(以...为代价) the Earth in various ways.

2. However, our survival depends on the Earth, including natural areas and natural resources, so we have to venerate(尊敬) the Earth.



