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Negotiating a contract with a customer

l Customer needs

l Available budget



可持续的 sustainable 共同愿望common desire

双赢win-win 建立贸易机会conclude business

互惠互利mutual benefit 一致coincides with

通力合作close cooperation 报价quotations

最新商品价格目录表latest catalogues 履行合同observe the contract

商业信誉commercial integrity 国际惯例international practices


I have some comment on…..

The products meet with great favor.

How to precede with 怎样来进行

How to put…. Into practice….


If I am negotiating a contract with a customer, I will firstly take the customers’ needs into consideration. The reason is very simple. It is the basis of the undergoing negotiation; we are sitting around the negotiation table because we need something from each other. It is our common desire to conclude the business.

On the other hand, the success of the negotiation depends on the available budget. Without financial support, all the rounds of discussing and bargaining won’t make any sense. That is why it is an international practice to consider about the budget first and reasonable design of the contract comes after that.

Besides the above mentioned points, long-term cooperation is also an essential element. Although the well-being of our own party is the main concern of us, we should insure that the prices we offered are very favorable, or we may even make some readjustment in our offer if the customer insists. The drive behind these behaviors is that sustainable profit and win-win outcome will make sure the contract can be held good for a long term. That is why we ought to make it our permanent principle to honor the contract and maintain commercial integrity.



Working as a teacher

l Sharing expertise

l Deciding responsibilities



求助于 resort to 零碎的piecemeal

处理tackle with 前提premise

倾向于apt to 灵活的策略flexible policy

指派assign 唤起情绪invoke

有机的,整体的organic 同时simultaneously


The prime concern is… 首要考虑是..

Given this premise…. 基于这样的前提

Be expected to…


When working as a teacher, the prime concern is sharing expertise. The need of the students should receive careful consideration. Through systematic training and teaching, the students should be able to resort to the professional skill of the teacher for reasonable solution of whatever problem they may come across in working experience.

Secondly, the teacher is expected to decide the responsibility of his/her fellowman. In this case, it is better to tackle with the whole thing in an organic way rather than a piece meal basis. In other words, the person on the teaching position should be crystal clear of the strength and weakness of every student and assign them to the right positions based on this judgment. Given this premise, the whole team can work in an efficient way.

Another crucial issue is how to monitor the students. Here we should adopt a flexible policy. It takes wisdom to let the students know that their behavior will be noticed b the supervisor and simultaneously to invoke the creative spirit out of them. In this way, we can improve the behavior pattern of the students and make full of their potentialities.



Considering setting a staff canteen

l Employee’s opinions

l Cost to the company



至关重要的crucial 策略战术tactic

能被利用的available 注意 be aware of….

交换意见compare notes 或者alternatively

长期预定long-tern reservation 可行性feasibility

以员工为中心的employee-oriented 建筑,建造construction


As far as…..concerned

With respect to….关于….

To be specific 具体来说

Be supposed to….

Conserve no effort to…


With respect to setting up staff canteens, I suggest that we should be aware of the following four factors. To start with, employees’ opinions are supposed to play a crucial role. Undoubtedly, we should conserve no effort to meet the needs of the employees. We can benefit a lot from this employee-oriented tactic. To be specific, we can compare notes with employees from different departments, or, alternatively, we can make them vote for a decision.

Secondly, the cost of the company deserves to be taken into consideration. If there can be other more economic options, why bother to build an extra canteen? I mean, if the company can make a long term reservation with a restaurant probably, it saves time and money.

Thirdly, the financial situation tends to interfere in the decision making. If building a canteen is a better choice compared with ordering foods from restaurants in the long run, we still have to consider the expenses in building the canteen--------an undergoing construction is a big deal for the company anyway. Lastly, the location of the canteen is also quite important. If you want to build a canteen, there should be space available for it.



Managing change

Clear objectives



企业目标 business goal 蓝图 blueprint

核心竞争力core competence 与时俱进keep pace with time

大的市场份额The lion’s share


In this information age, the capacity to manage change is becoming increasingly important. Consequently, more and more managers begin to put this issue in the spotlight. In my perspective, when managing change, several factors should be taken into consideration. The first one is to set a clear objective, because it is the blueprint of a company’s future development. Without the guide of a clear objective, one will get lost in the business jungle.

The second factor is communication skill. An effective communication can promote cooperation, and communication is usually considered as an inevitable way to effective management.

The third one is technology and qualified personnel. They are the core competitiveness of the enterprises and they are the software and hardware that drive the enterprise to work in a full speed. Without them, it is hard to keep pace with the time. The last but not the least, creativity is also important. Even a single innovative idea may be capable of helping an enterprise to take the lion’s share of the market.



